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4/12/2014 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Emerson College Organization to Film Scene at Fellsmere Pond
Malden High School graduate David Kumar, a freshman majoring in film editing at Emerson College is a member of a student-run organization called “Emerson Professional Shots, Stunts, and Safety” which teaches students Hollywood tricks, stunts and the ways of filming complex ideas through workshops.
On Saturday April 12th from 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM the group will rehearse and film a barbarian fight scene called “Braveheart Meets Role Model” at Fellsmere Pond (on the Savin Street side). A film crew of 25 along with 30 actors, consisting of two leading actors and a full army, will participate in the scene. A castle wall will be set up and rigged with air compressors to conduct a “safe explosion”. The rain date for the filming is April 13th.
“We are so thankful to the City of Malden for giving us this amazing opportunity to do this project at Fellsmere Pond,” said David Kumar. “With all the help that Mayor Christenson, City Councillor John Matheson, and DPW Director Bob Knox have given us, we look forward to coming back and doing more films in the future.

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