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Events Calendar

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7/21/2014 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Erin Craven's class presentation
Mayor’s Office Conference Room
6th Floor
200 Pleasant Street

7/21/2014 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
MassDot Neighborhood Meeting
Discussion: Improvements to intersection of Highland Avenue, Elm Street and Pleasant Street
at the Beebe School Auditorium
401 Pleasant Street
The City of Malden is eligible for significant funding for infrastructure improvements to improve walking and bicycling access in the area around the Beebe School. These federal funds are available to the City through the Mass Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT) Safe Routes to School Program. The transportation improvements proposed involve the intersection of Pleasant Street, Highland Avenue and Elm Street.
This project, initially started in 2009, would include new traffic signals at the intersection of Pleasant Street and Highland Avenue, as well as new ADA compliant sidewalks in the immediate area. The project also includes a wider sidewalk on Pleasant Street at Cliffside Terrace to narrow the pavement width of Pleasant Street at that location. Additionally, a sidewalk would be installed across Elm Street at Highland Avenue. This portion of Elm Street would become a dead-end, access would be from Pleasant Street only.
Representatives of the City of Malden and MassDOT will be presenting an informational meeting regarding this project on Monday, July 21st at 6:00 PM at the Beebe School Auditorium, 401 Pleasant Street.
We look forward to answering any questions you may have.

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